Our Process.

1. Choose your products

Visit our product & services page (in our top menu bar) to find the products you are looking for.

2. Place your order

Place your order by clicking the checkout button at the top right. No payment is required at time of placing an order.

3. Artwork

You can provide your own artwork or alternatively we can create or finish a design for you.

4. Processing

Our internal sales team will be notified of your order and will be in touch to discuss the order further.

5. Proofing

Our artwork team will email you a digital proof for approval prior to production.

6. Production

The following day after signing off on your artwork, your job is released into production.

7. Payment

The same morning your job enters production you are sent a tax invoice requesting full payment ahead of dispatching (or pick up of) your signs.

8. Completion

Once the order is complete and invoice paid for, our dispatch co-ordinator will organise a courier for your order along with a tracking number via email.